Research in Progress:

The effects of the NBO system on postpartum care in Iceland

Arnardottir, S.

An RCT study is in progress in Iceland. The sample consists of 60 mothers and their babies, 30 of whom were randomized into the NBO intervention group and 30 to the control group. Participants were recruited in one health station in Reykjavik. Criteria for inclusion included EPDS score ≥9, or a history of depression and/or anxiety. Additionally, participants were asked about adverse childhood experiences, alcohol use, physical or psychological illness at home, history of abuse and if they felt that the first months of pregnancy had been more difficult than expected. Three home visits in the 1st, 2d and 3d weeks were conducted and at 4 months a video of daily routine or semi structured play between mother and infant was used as an outcome measures. The videos will be analysed using the EAS scale by Z. Biringen. The protocol is similar to the research protocol in Norway (Kari Slinning) and results will be compared.


McManus et al. (Research in progress)